Friday, December 16, 2011

Microfiction: The lights appeared out of the darkness.

The lights appeared out of the darkness. The taxi pulled up, and I got in. I told the driver where I wanted to go, and off we went. After a couple of turns, I was completely clueless as to where we were. The driver seemed to know where he was going, so I didn't worry about it. The driver was going over the speed limit, so I wasn't too surprised when a police car pulled up behind us. The driver turned the wheel to pull over, but instead, he floored it, and turned back onto the road. Clearly there was something this man was hiding. I was shocked. The man who seemed like an ordinary cab driver had turned into a convict in a split second. I thought I was just going home, now I was stuck in a criminal situation. I had no idea what to do. I had never been in a situation anywhere close to this intensity. Next I saw the driver pull out a gun. I knew that I had to get out of the cab. I opened the door, and jumped out. My head hit a brick building as I was landing. I hit the sidewalk hard, and felt like I had jumped out of a plane. I reached back to see if my head was bleeding, and I could feel the blood. I didn't care, the wounds would heal. I was just happy that I had escaped the situation, and I could return to my live as usual.

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