Wednesday, December 14, 2011

TU Tuesday- Editorial

Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.

The editorial says that Christmas should be celebrated in multicultural schools, and that nothing about the holiday should be changed. I agreed with the fact that the vacation should not change, because that is a time when many families get together, but some of his reasoning is flawed. " Thus schools should not hesitate to promote, say, the Christmas message of peace and goodwill or student choirs singing Christmas songs. And yes, those songs should include the traditional lyrics instead of secular alternatives... Yet schools should be careful not to go too far in these efforts." I disagree with this part of the article, because if he is taking the stance that beliefs should not be censored, he can't go back and say some beliefs should. He should stay firm on one side of the argument, instead of trying to please everyone by saying something that makes everyone happy. This is a good editorial, but the flawed arguments leave some questions.

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