Monday, January 30, 2012

Original Poems III



Everyone has been waiting
to play this special game
waiting to play ball
the first hitter grabs a bat
and tries to help his team
both teams trying desperately to win.

The team without a win
has been patiently waiting
to play as a team.
A very important game
both teams trying to put thebat
to the ball

The pitcher grips the ball
leading his team to a win
keeping his pitches away from the bat
the hitter is waiting
to get the first hit of the game
and give the lead to his team

A struggle for each team
neither is hitting the ball
a very defensive game
the best pitcher will win
but the power hitter is waiting
for his opportunity at bat

He now gets his chance to bat
scaring the opposing team
his teammates are waiting
for him to smash the ball
and give them the win
in the hard fought game

The entire game
comes down to one at bat
both teams hungry for the win
the victory can only go to one team
the pitcher delivers the ball
as the hitter is patiently waiting

The win goes to the better team
as the game is decided by one hitter's bat
launching the ball with his fans and teammates waiting.



A time of changing ideas
and many angry people
the time of the the French Revolution
Riots in the streets
and attacks against the government
in areas all around France
a time that changed the world
and the Reign of Terror
led by Robespierre
influenced the entire nation.

Acrostic Poem


Changing difficulty getting
Harder as you go along
And testing your patience
Large amounts of difficulty
Linger as you continue
Even when you think you're perfect
Nothing worth doing is easy
Getting through a challenge makes you better
Ending up where you need to.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Original Poems II


Rainy Day

Raindrops falling
the sky covered with clouds
wet grass
puddles in the street

the sky covered with cloudshouses dripping
puddles in the street
water flowing like a river

houses dripping
the wet ground
water flowing like a river
the muddy field

Raindrops falling
the wet ground
the muddy field
wet grass

Stream of Consciousness Poem


My eyes focus on the paper
the paper full of questions
questions without answers
answers I have to find
finding time to study
studying will help me succeed
succeed is what I want to do.

Magical Powers

The power to fly

When I was young,
I always wanted to fly
the sky so free
it was a magical place
At any time I could fly,
and feel that freedom.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Original Poems I

Ladder Poem


stressed students
a big test
hits every person's desk.
A long list of questions
seeing what you know
what you studied
if you

William Carlos Williams Variation Poem


Ball in the pitcher's hand
shuffling around to find the right grip
his arm loads back.

Out of the hand
moving closer and closer
your eyes trying to find it.

Laces spinning
faster and faster
moving towards you.

Moving straight,
then it spins out of sight
right into the catcher's glove.


Night Storm

Darkness in the sky
until the lightning breaks through
as a displeasing sight to the eye

The sky where birds once flew is
filled only with silence
until the lightning breaks through

The rain needs no guidance
it simply falls on the streets
filled only with silence

scared children hide under sheets
as the rain continues to fall
it simply falls on the streets

the children, frightened start to bawl
as the lightning is still crashing
as the rain continues to fall

Like the ground and the sky are clashing
darkness in the sky
as the lightning is still crashing
as a displeasing sight to the eye.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Vocabulary On My Mind

The captious student disliked the raconteur, because they seemed to prattle on about petty issues, and their speech lacked brevity, and their speech was nothing more than a din. The purpose of the raconteur's story was obscure , and seemed cryptic to many of the students listening. The raconteur was not very skilled in recounting the event, which made it easy for the students to debunk the story to find its true meaning.The event being described remained an enigma to the listeners after the speech was over. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What I Need To Know about WRITING AND WRITERS to Become a Better Writer

What really stood out to me from the presentations from the four writers, were how they said how descriptive you have to be in your writing. Marni Gillard said that it was very important to put the reader, or listener, because they will have a better understanding if they really know the character. M.E. Kemp said that it is important to be descriptive so it sends the reader back to that time. Describing might be the most important skill in writing.

I think for the documentary that our topic should be describing, and recreating an event. This is an important topic to me, because most of what I read is about sports, whether they are describing an actual sporting event, or a fictional one. I would like to know how to write this genre more effectively, and the recreation of the event is the most important part of this kind of writing.

1/17 speaker = 4 stars

Friday, January 13, 2012

Round Four= Marni Gillard

When I read the High Dive story, I liked the constant use of dialogue, because it shows how vivid the memory is to her. " He honored the scary feeling of facing a new dive. 'Sure, Marn, I'll watch.' He pointed to the long line at the high board. 'Call me when you get up there.' He gave me his thumb-up sign for luck. 'Go for it, Babe!' ". It shows more of the personality of the characters than if she just told us what they did. I also like how she puts her personal thoughts in italics, so that we can differentiate between the thoughts and the narrative.. " To the left I spotted West First Street. Hey, that’s our house! Where's Mom? I don't see her out in the yard, puttin' her feet up." These thoughts in the italics show how differently she thinks now from when she was a child.

In the journey piece I really liked her observations on how an audience affects how you tell the story. " I soon realized that my listeners’ laughter, even their silence, affected the way I told... I learned that the art of storytelling means letting the audience co-create with you." It shows the reader how this piece evolved because of the audiences. I really enjoyed reading this piece, but one thing I would take out of it is the last two paragraphs in the section A change brings resolution. " I still rely on audiences to listen the deep truth of this story out of me. Some days "High Dive” is still a light-hearted "scar" tale with an exciting crash-landing and surprising end.  Parents and teachers often hear it as a cautionary tale. It helps them remember their own hidden fears and notice the quiet determination of the children in their lives. I hope it helps us all admire and support the young learners in our lives.I’ve come to see “High Dive” as a heroine’s journey, the child finding her courage, accepting her wound, and looking to the future. This story still helps me wrestle with fears as well as dance with the past’s sorrows and joys. It teaches me to dive deeply into whatever memories call me. Even in this writing I’ve learned things about “High Dive.” It’s still one of my greatest teachers." This seems to only reiterate the message about the piece that she has been saying throughout the journey piece. I think everything else in the piece brings up a new point about how she feels in the piece, and the rest of it should be left alone.

1/12 Speaker= 4 stars