Wednesday, February 1, 2012

TU Tuesday

" the Super Bowl became the big stage for the biggest mouths"- metaphor: A thing regarded as representative or symbolic of something else.

" The Giants did a little trash dressing when they played the then-undefeated Patriots in the Super Bowl four years ago, arriving in Arizona in black suits to show they were serious about ending New England's bid for a perfect season... the 'Men In Black' look."- imagery: giving the reader a clear image in their mind.

" 'We just said we wanted to kill a dynasty' "- hyperbole: Exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.

" This Super Bowl rematch anything but trashy" is an article by Joe Kay about the upcoming Super Bowl on Sunday. He talks about the lack of trash talking leading up to the Super Bowl, because of the coaches' philosophies, " Zip it. Tight", meaning to keep your talking to a minimum. The figurative language really makes a difference in this piece, because it gives the reader a different perspective than just the facts. When he is describing the Giants' suits in 2007, he refers to it as the " Men in Black" look. This gives the reader a very clear picture of what the suits looked like, and gives us a greater understanding of the situation. When he refers to the Super Bowl as, " the big stage for the biggest mouths", it gives people, even those not familiar with sports, how broadcast these comments before the Super Bowl become. It lets the reader know everything that is going on, and that is something that can only be done through figurative language.

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