Tuesday, February 28, 2012

P= Eight People to Emulate

  1. Picasso- His creativity may never be repeated, but I like to use him as a guide when I have to do my creative thinking.
  2. Peyton Manning- His work ethic and good attitude make him one of the best quarterbacks in the NFL.
  3. Patton Oswalt- cheering yourself up along with others is an important thing to do, and his acting and comedy does exactly that for many people.
  4. Phil Mickelson- overcoming something like arthritis to continue his career as a golfer is something I use as inspiration to overcome my own obstacles.
  5. Paul Pierce- Along with playing in the NBA, he also has his own charity and visits underprivileged children. He is a very generous person.
  6. Jason Pierre Paul- his story of growing up in Haiti, and discovering football, which he now plays professionally, very late in high school, shows that opportunity can strike at any time, and I will try to be like him, and seize the opportunity when it comes.
  7. Scottie Pippen-  he never drew more attention to himself than was needed, and as Michael Jordan's teammate, he received little credit for the many championships that he won, but he didn't brag and complain, he just kept doing what he was supposed to do.
  8.  Public Enemy- they completely changed the culture with their hip hop music. They wanted to represent themselves, and what they stood for in a positive way, and that is exactly what they did.

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