Friday, May 4, 2012

Philosophy ( communism)


Communism is the political system that calls for public ownership instead of private property. It attempts to create a classless society by making everyone equal. " Communism is thus a form of socialism—a higher and more advanced form, according to its advocates." It was created by Karl Marx, who said that through Communism, government would no longer be necessary. However, I do not agree with it. First, I do not fully agree with the ideological theory, because it does not account for slackers, and people who are very lethargic. People are less inclined to work hard if they do not benefit from their work. Therefore, people will be less motivated to do work, because everyone gets an equal share. Also, in reality, Communism never works out like the theory. It usually leads to totalitarian governments, because people get so hungry for power. So instead of having no government necessary, they have a ruler who completely controls every aspect of everyone's life.

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