Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Tu Tuesday- Classified

Red carabiner plus keys and store tags lost in vicinity of Stuyvesant Plaza and Fuller Road.


This story is fiction.

A Long Walk Home

All I wanted was to go to the grocery store to pick up some food. I walked to my red truck, ready to go home, eat, and go to sleep after a long day. I reached into my pocket, but I felt nothing. I kept feeling around in my pocket, but still, nothing. I tried my other pockets, but found nothing but my cell phone and some pocket lint. I went back into the store to see if I had just dropped them on the floor, but I could not find them anywhere. I had no idea where my keys were by now. All I knew was that they were " lost in vicinity of Stuyvesant Plaza and Fuller Road."

I went back out to my truck, but I had to think of another way to get home. I didn't know the bus schedule, but there wasn't a bus stop anywhere within walking distance anyway. Then I began to think, how will I get into my house? I don't have any keys. I had to find those keys before I left. They were easily identified, with a " Red carabiner plus keys". I looked for about an hour through the entire parking lot, and asking anyone if they had seen my keys. I could not find them after a lot of time searching. I just decided to walk home, and find some way to get into my house, to grab my spare truck key.

A half hour walk later, I had reached my house. Both doors were locked, and with no keys, I would have to get creative. I used my credit card to open my front door, like I was a robber getting into my own house. I would most likely have to get my truck in the morning, because I sure wasn't walking back over to the store. Never the less, the long day was over, and I was finally home.

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