Wednesday, October 26, 2011

TU Tuesday

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone. 
Pull at least FIVE words or phrases out, define them, describe their effect, and tell what the overall impact those words or phrases give to the piece as a whole while incorporating into the post the textual evidence you pulled out from it to define.
"a 50-50 split of revenues"
revenues: the total amount of money coming in.
"Seeking greater parity among their 30 teams,"
parity: equality
"...but players fear the penalties would be so punitive they would act like a hard salary cap."
punitive: inflicting punishment
" Players were guaranteed 57 percent of BRI under the previous collective bargaining agreement."
BRI: basketball related income, the amount of money basketball brings in.
" Commissioner David Stern has said he feared even games through Christmas would be in jeopardy if there wasn't a deal last week."

jeopardy: risk or danger

This article talks about the NBA lockout negotiations. The words the author uses are meant to portray the conditions of these talks. When the author says, " ... even games through Christmas would be in jeopardy if there wasn't a deal last week," he is expressing the seriousness of the situation if the deal is not reached. When he says, "...but players fear the penalties would be so punitive they would act like a hard salary cap," he is talking about how the penalties of the new rules would be almost as punishing as a salary cap. Lastly,    " Seeking greater parity among their 30 teams," means that the league wants to make rules that will make their teams more equal. That is how the author uses language to get his point across.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Childhood Book

A book I remember liking as a child was How The Grinch Stole Christmas! In this book, the Grinch doesn't like that all the Whos have everything that they do, so he trys to ruin their Christmas by stealing all of their gifts. After he has stolen all of their presents, he watches the Whos, expecting them to be angry that all of their gifts are gone, but instead, they are just happy to have each other. The Grinch then learns his lesson, that material things are not important, and that friendship, and the people you care about should be most important. He brings all the gifts back, and joins the Whos for a feast. I think this lesson stuck with me, because it is a very important lesson to learn. The people you care about should always come first in your life, because they are the ones who will always be there for you.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

M= Maryland
I would want to attend based on...

1. Reputation:  Maryland is 17th in the ranking of national public universities.

2. Business Education: The Smith School of Business is ranked 9th in public universities. It is 15th in entrepreneurship, 10th in management, and 7th in Management Information Systems.

3. Athletic Opportunities: Maryland offers many intramural sports, such as basketball, flag football, and ultimate frisbee.

4. Academic Opportunities: "  the University of Maryland houses over 200 graduate degree programs", many majors to pick from.

5. Enrollment: Maryland enrolls nearly 11,000 students from each state.

I would be hesitant because...

1. Science Education: ranked 57th in biological sciences.

2. Commute: 3.5 hour drive from Guilderland, N.Y.

3. Cost: Total cost of 39,804 including tuition, meal plan, books and supplies.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Vintage Photo

Wright Brothers Glider in Flight

This picture is worth words to me because it shows me how much an idea can change the world. The Wright Brothers came up with an idea that not many people supported or thought was possible, but they believed in themselves, and their idea. They were determined to make their idea work, and make it possible to fly. They could have given up, and listened to the people around them, that said it would never work, but they kept working to improve the glider. It didn't work perfectly all the time, but they learned from their mistakes. Their determination is why we have airplanes today.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Body by Stephen King

"The most important things are the hardest things to say."

The most important things are the hardest things to say,
but say them while you still can.

The most important things are the hardest things to say,
but let everyone know that you care about them.

The most important things are the hardest things to say,
but are the most necessary to say.

The most important things are the hardest things to say,
but say them while you still can.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

TU Tuesday BLOG

Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is valid and the evidence is relevant and sufficient; identify false statements and fallacious reasoning.

Pete Dougherty is saying that the response to one of his tweets by Brian Noe was very unprofessional. He says that this reply makes it clear to him that Noe thinks hockey and its fans are irrelevant to him, and that he is not going to talk about a local hockey team on his show. I agree with Dougherty, because Noe clearly thinks as hockey as irrelevant to him and his radio show. "...  I took to the comments board and also Twitter to inform fans that no additional coverage was in the works. Three hours later, Noe replied to my tweet with nothing more than the hashtag “#getahobby.” This just shows that Noe does not care about what his listeners want to hear, and that he doesn't think hockey is worth talking about. However, I disagree with Dougherty when he says, " It’s also a bleak reminder that WTMM historically favors national headlines over the area’s local sports teams." I do not find this to be true, because although Noe clearly does not want to talk about local hockey, there are other local shows on the station that often talk about local teams, and their recent games and transactions. I think Noe should take a lesson from his listeners and other local shows, and listen to what the viewers want to hear about, and not just what is important to him.

Monday, October 10, 2011


Future adventures
are often told by one's past
unless change occurs.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

TU Tuesday

Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.  And, develop FIVE factual, interpretive, and evaluative questions for further exploration of the topic(s).

This article is about the possibility of Missouri leaving the Big 12 conference in college sports. The desicion to explore other possible conferences came after a long meeting between the board members. This could mean big trouble for the Big 12 conference, which contains college sports superpowers Texas and Oklahoma. The colleges of Nebraska and Colorado left the conference last year. A possible cause of Missouri looking for other conferences may be the fact that the Big 12 Conference is requesting that all teams make binding agreements to ensure the stability of the conference for a long time to come. Missouri is not willing to make that kind of commitment to the conference. Missouri leaving would be a big deal, because they have been a part of the Big 12 for fifteen years, since the conference began.

Possible conferences for Missouri to go to are the SEC, which is looking to get another team to make an even 14 teams. Also, the Big East could also be a possibility, because they lost two members, Syracuse and Pittsburg, this year. The Big 12 has many possible teams to join it if Missouri does leave. The article says, "
If the Big 12 wanted to stretch farther east, Louisville, Cincinnati and West Virginia of the Big East could be targets. There has also been speculation that the Big 12 could pursue BYU, TCU, SMU, and Houston. " This could cause many changes in college sports in years to come. After reading this article, I still have some questions on this topic:

1. What about the conference besides the long term commitment made Missouri want to leave?
2. Can the other conferences that Missouri will possibly join offer them as much television rights as the Big 12 did?
3. What is the Big 12 not doing to keep its members happy?
4. Why, after years of stability of conferences, are many teams relocating in the past couple years?
5. Why don't the sport players have any voice in these decisions?

Monday, October 3, 2011

Opinion Prompt 9 - Breakfast is the most important meal of the day

I agree with this statement, because it is the food that you starts your day with. You need to eat good food to get energy for the rest of the day. If you don't eat well, you won't have the energy you need to do things in the morning. Studies show that good grades are often associated with a good breakfast. Your body needs the necessary nutrition and energy to perform tasks, whether it is playing a sport, or doing academic work, your body cannot complete the task to the best of its ability without the necessary nutrition. That is why I agree with the statement that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.