Wednesday, October 12, 2011

TU Tuesday BLOG

Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is valid and the evidence is relevant and sufficient; identify false statements and fallacious reasoning.

Pete Dougherty is saying that the response to one of his tweets by Brian Noe was very unprofessional. He says that this reply makes it clear to him that Noe thinks hockey and its fans are irrelevant to him, and that he is not going to talk about a local hockey team on his show. I agree with Dougherty, because Noe clearly thinks as hockey as irrelevant to him and his radio show. "...  I took to the comments board and also Twitter to inform fans that no additional coverage was in the works. Three hours later, Noe replied to my tweet with nothing more than the hashtag “#getahobby.” This just shows that Noe does not care about what his listeners want to hear, and that he doesn't think hockey is worth talking about. However, I disagree with Dougherty when he says, " It’s also a bleak reminder that WTMM historically favors national headlines over the area’s local sports teams." I do not find this to be true, because although Noe clearly does not want to talk about local hockey, there are other local shows on the station that often talk about local teams, and their recent games and transactions. I think Noe should take a lesson from his listeners and other local shows, and listen to what the viewers want to hear about, and not just what is important to him.

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