Wednesday, October 26, 2011

TU Tuesday

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone. 
Pull at least FIVE words or phrases out, define them, describe their effect, and tell what the overall impact those words or phrases give to the piece as a whole while incorporating into the post the textual evidence you pulled out from it to define.
"a 50-50 split of revenues"
revenues: the total amount of money coming in.
"Seeking greater parity among their 30 teams,"
parity: equality
"...but players fear the penalties would be so punitive they would act like a hard salary cap."
punitive: inflicting punishment
" Players were guaranteed 57 percent of BRI under the previous collective bargaining agreement."
BRI: basketball related income, the amount of money basketball brings in.
" Commissioner David Stern has said he feared even games through Christmas would be in jeopardy if there wasn't a deal last week."

jeopardy: risk or danger

This article talks about the NBA lockout negotiations. The words the author uses are meant to portray the conditions of these talks. When the author says, " ... even games through Christmas would be in jeopardy if there wasn't a deal last week," he is expressing the seriousness of the situation if the deal is not reached. When he says, "...but players fear the penalties would be so punitive they would act like a hard salary cap," he is talking about how the penalties of the new rules would be almost as punishing as a salary cap. Lastly,    " Seeking greater parity among their 30 teams," means that the league wants to make rules that will make their teams more equal. That is how the author uses language to get his point across.

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