Thursday, November 17, 2011

Opinion Prompt # 2: Child testimonies in abuse cases are not credible.

There is a big story in the news right now about Penn State, and a reported abuse scandal by one of their coaches. The coach, Jerry Sandusky, has repeatedly said that he is innocent. Some coaches says that they saw him abusing children in the showers, so there are conflicting ideas on whether he committed these acts or not. The child testimonies are going to be the most important part of this trial, because Sandusky is obviously going to say that he is innocent, and the coaches may just be trying to protect their jobs by saying that he did it. The testimonies from the children, will be their unbiased memories of what happened to them. The children, and Sandusky are the only ones that know that really happened. These children are the only ones that can give an unbiased answer to this case, because their jobs or freedom are not threatened by their answers. That is why I disagree with the statement that child testimonies in abuse cases are not credible. 

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