Monday, November 28, 2011

Paul Grondahl Questions

Why did Andy Rooney act so differently around his friends than he did with his fans?
What made Andy Rooney's broadcasts so special?

The writing in this article shows how dedicated he was to his work

I like how this article shows the two sides of Andy Rooney.

What was her body infected with that there was no medicine for?

I thought it was very courageous to continue living the way she did, and be very open about it.

Can she still work without a bottom half, or does she have another source of income to pay for her hospital bills?

The article showed not only the affect on her everyday life, but the lives of all the people around her.

I was surprised to find that he is actually disappointed that his fame comes from his work on 60 minutes.

If he makes a lot of money, why does he deal with malfunctioning equipment when he could buy more advanced technology?

This article shows a lot how he was not just a writer, but very skilled with wood and tools.

Why are these old things like his car and his computers so important to him that he won't buy new things?

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