Friday, March 2, 2012


Original Poems:


My eyes focus on the paper
the paper full of questions
questions without answers
answers I have to find
finding time to study
studying will help me succeed
succeed is what I want to do.


stressed students
a big test
hits every person's desk.
A long list of questions
seeing what you know
what you studied
if you

 Revision Advice:  Mike - I like the form you chose in "Test" - using the last word in one line as the first word in the next line.  It's a good exercise in staying focused line by line.  That paired with the second poem, "Classroom," helps the reader to know more about you because both poems are related - I call them companion poems - and work well together.

I can't help feel there's more you want to say on this subject, and suggest a 5-10 free write just to see what other images pop up for you.

Mimi Moriarty

Revised Poems: 

 My eyes focus on the paper
the paper full of questions
questions without answers
answers I should know
know that i can pass the test
test myself on what I studied
studied all that I could the night before
before now, I felt confidence
confidence is slowly leaving 
leaving the room after the test
the test that I worked hard on.


working students
 an important test
scary to so many
like a monster to children
everyone's grade lingering on one assignment
an irrational fear of what might happen
an indicator of things to come
if the students work hard
they can all succeed 
if they don't
they can

Reflection: I can clearly see that the new, revised poems are better. Mimi Moriarty gave me some great advice, which was to free write, and say more of what I thought in my poems. This helped me develop a clearer message in both poems, and use more poetic devices, like figurative language. I can use this for future poems also, by remembering to say more of what I think, and give the reader a better message.

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