Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tu Tuesday Mark McGuire

About the Author:

Mark McGuire is a sports column writer who has a family of " two kids and one wife" and enjoys sports a lot.    " McGuire remained a fan at heart, a mindset forged from decades of sitting in the cheap seats." I read McGuire's story on which New York Jets quarterback has more fan support. " And there shouldn’t be a shock in this: Support between Sanchez and the highly (and publicly) religious Tebow breaks down along party lines.Democrats favor Sanchez 46-27 percent, according to the poll.Republicans favor Tebow 46-34." Being a fan himself, McGuire shows very interesting points of view on sports issues. " 'Tebow is a hero to a certain group of people. I’m a little surprised Tebow doesn’t even do better among upstate folk,' Levy said. 'You are looking at upstate, you are looking at party and looking at religiosity. He is an icon. We will see how it plays out in New York.' He shows his perspective on the issues, and because he is a true fan and not just paying attention to sports because it is his job, he is very well informed on the aspects of sports. He gives the reader a very unique experience when they read his articles.

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