Monday, April 30, 2012

R= Rice Pilaf

2 tablespoons butter- A simple ingredient, like the simplicity of days with our grandparents in New Jersey.

1/2 onion, minced- An added flavor to the recipe, this shows that there was always something else to experience there. 

1/2 red bell pepper, minced- an ingredient that gives the recipe a little spice, like all of the twists and turns the evenings would take with our grandparents, visiting new places around the town, and experiencing new things.

2 pinches kosher salt- A very common ingredient, but there was nothing common about the way my grandmother cooked anything. Especially her very good rice pilaf.

2 cups long grain rice- the main ingredient, just like family was the main focus of every evening we spent at our grandparents' house in New Jersey.

2 3/4 cups chicken broth- common in soup, this part of the recipe symbolizes the warmth that was felt all of the time when we were around family, and people who cared about us.

2 strips orange zest- A little added sweetness to the rice, showing what was felt when we spent time with family. Sweetness and joy.

Pinch of saffron strands, steeped in 1/4 cup hot water- another spicy ingredient, showing that you never know what to expect. There were always unexpected thrills and fun that we had when our family was together in that house in New Jersey.

1 bay leaf- we would visit most falls, and see all of the leaves that surrounded the house changing colors, and becoming yellow and orange.

1 1/2 cups frozen peas, thawed- I don't think my grandmother put peas into her rice pilaf, but she always made great tasting vegetables with all of her meals.

Golden raisins and pistachios for garnish- Yet another flavor to taste when enjoying rice pilaf. It makes me remember all of the meals my grandmother would make, so there was always a new taste to be experienced.

One of the things I remember most about my grandparents, was their great cooking, and their great warmth. In a way, this recipe expresses both of these.

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