Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Language of Song

Song Used: The Rosehip by Silvio Rodriguez 
Lyrics: http://lyricstranslate.com/en/el-escaramujo-skirmish.html

He had been raised to not question anything, but that wasn't who he was anymore. He needed to know the reasons behind everything. He needed to know why something was right before he could believe in it, he had a scientific mind. He had begun to question religion, something that his family had believed strongly in since he was born. His parents had grown angry with him, and told him to sit in his room. His need for information had brought him and his family apart. His need for knowledge went from a blessing to a curse. The medicine sat on his nightstand, the medicine that would make him think more simply. His decision was between acceptance and brilliance. He reached for the medicine, and the acceptance from the community that came with it. 

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