Wednesday, March 14, 2012

TU Tuesday- CRIME

My Question:  Do celebrities get special consideration when they go to court?

The Times Union article I read was about pro wide receiver Brandon Marshall, and a dispute in a New York night club. " a woman has accused NFL star receiver Brandon Marshall of punching her in the face at a nightclub." Brandon Marshall has constantly been in the news for this type of reckless, dangerous behavior, but he has served very little time for his crimes. While he has also been a victim of a few crimes, like being stabbed in a domestic dispute, I still wonder if he gets a lighter punishment because he is a celebrity. While this may be somewhat of an opinion question, it is still very relevant in the world we live in. " Some 60 percent of people surveyed said celebrities get treated better by the judicial system because they have a lot of money, while 12 percent think they are singled out for prosecution because they are high-profile." Many people think that celebrities get better treatment in court than regular citizens. It is very hard to argue against that, because last summer, Aquib Talib of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers was charged with battery on a taxi driver, and was back in time for football season. "This nicer-jail-stay-for-pay scheme not only allows the rich and famous – as well as the more modestly affluent – to avoid the brutality, squalor, abysmal medical care and other unpleasant conditions typical in public jail systems. It also highlights the inequities of a two-track system of justice in the United States in which the wealthy enjoy privileges and perks behind bars while the poor are resigned to less comfortable and more dangerous conditions of confinement." Most of the research I have done shows that many people believe that celebrities get special consideration in court, because they are famous and rich.

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