Thursday, December 22, 2011

How does Outliers connect to MY life?

The book Outliers, by Malcolm Gladwell, was very interesting to me. The book describes how people seperate themselves from other people. He describes many things that start out as a slight advantage, and turn into huge advantages. Many of the things in this book connected to my life.

The first way this book connected to my life was when he talked about sports. In the book, Gladwell says,    "The professional hockey player starts out a little better than his peers.And that little difference leads to an opportunity that makes that difference a bit bigger..." (30) I play baseball, and I have found this to be very true in sports. When I was cut from modified baseball in middle school, there were some kids on the team that I thought I was better than, or at least even with skill-wise. When the spring season started, those kids looked much better. The tryouts ended in March, and the spring baseball season starts in mid-April. That month and a half of extra practice made them a lot better, and their edge got bigger.

The second way this book connected to my life was the parenting styles of different families. In the book, Gladwell describes an experiment by Lareau, and he says, " the middle-class children learn a sense of             'entitlement' " (105).  I am normally a quiet kid, but if there is something wrong, I feel comfortable speaking up and fixing the problem. I think this has a strong relationship with how my parents raised me. My parents may not have pushed me as hard as Alex Williams' parents did, " ...his mother and father- in the manner of educated families- have painstakingly taught them to him, nudging and prodding and encouraging and showing him the rules of the game..." (108), but they did push me to become more social and assert myself when something was wrong when I was little. This parenting style has caused me to be able to assert myself in a situation, and has helped me a lot in school and even at home.

The third way this book connected to my life was the part about academics and the chapter Rice Paddies and Math Tests. The part that I felt most connected to myself was the part about the Renee tape. When he is talking about why the Renee tape is Schoenfeld's favorite example, he says, " Twenty- two minutes pass from the moment Renee begins playing with the computer program to the moment she says, ' Ahhhh' " (245).  This applies to my life, because when I was taking Integrated Algebra in 8th grade, I had a lot of assignments that were challenging to me. Instead of taking one look at the problem and giving up, I tried to look at the problem from the different perspective to help myself solve the problem. I personally have never spent up to twenty-two minutes on one problem, but I worked for a long time to solve one of these challenging problems. I think that this patience may be what allows me to excel in math. I received a 97% on the Regents exam that year, and I believe my patience played an important role in that.  Gladwell supports this in the book, when he says, " What if coming from a culture shaped by the demands of growing rice also makes you better at math?" (232). When Gladwell says this, he means that the patience from growing rice leads to the patience in learning, which leads to better understanding. This is how the chapter Rice Paddies and Math Tests connects to my life.

This book makes many valid points, but these three examples are how the book best applies to my life. I thought this was a very interesting book, because not only does he connect all of the stories to one main point, but he uses all true stories. Gladwell put a lot of effort into researching and putting facts together for this story, and it shows in this book. Outliers does a great job of showing how people who are very good at things get to where they are, and uses many examples that people can relate to.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Perspective Poetry Prompt: APPLE: Describe an apple as seen by a young woman who has just lost her husband to cancer. DO NOT mention the husband or the word cancer.


A lone apple
sitting on the ground
under the tree where it once grew
slowly decaying, as it is eaten away from the inside.

A once bright red apple
is now in horrible condition.
Everyone wishes that it was still bright red,
and everyone could enjoy it.

Only a few traces,
of what it used to be.
Now brown and rotten
the apple is soon gone.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Microfiction: The lights appeared out of the darkness.

The lights appeared out of the darkness. The taxi pulled up, and I got in. I told the driver where I wanted to go, and off we went. After a couple of turns, I was completely clueless as to where we were. The driver seemed to know where he was going, so I didn't worry about it. The driver was going over the speed limit, so I wasn't too surprised when a police car pulled up behind us. The driver turned the wheel to pull over, but instead, he floored it, and turned back onto the road. Clearly there was something this man was hiding. I was shocked. The man who seemed like an ordinary cab driver had turned into a convict in a split second. I thought I was just going home, now I was stuck in a criminal situation. I had no idea what to do. I had never been in a situation anywhere close to this intensity. Next I saw the driver pull out a gun. I knew that I had to get out of the cab. I opened the door, and jumped out. My head hit a brick building as I was landing. I hit the sidewalk hard, and felt like I had jumped out of a plane. I reached back to see if my head was bleeding, and I could feel the blood. I didn't care, the wounds would heal. I was just happy that I had escaped the situation, and I could return to my live as usual.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

TU Tuesday- Editorial

Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.

The editorial says that Christmas should be celebrated in multicultural schools, and that nothing about the holiday should be changed. I agreed with the fact that the vacation should not change, because that is a time when many families get together, but some of his reasoning is flawed. " Thus schools should not hesitate to promote, say, the Christmas message of peace and goodwill or student choirs singing Christmas songs. And yes, those songs should include the traditional lyrics instead of secular alternatives... Yet schools should be careful not to go too far in these efforts." I disagree with this part of the article, because if he is taking the stance that beliefs should not be censored, he can't go back and say some beliefs should. He should stay firm on one side of the argument, instead of trying to please everyone by saying something that makes everyone happy. This is a good editorial, but the flawed arguments leave some questions.

My T-Shirt Vote

My vote is for the Play 60 shirt, that has a McDonald's sign in a red circle, and says end childhood obesity, get out and play and don't eat all day.

If I win I would like chocolate chip cookies.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

O= Otterhound

Information from:

Breed Description: Bloodhound and several rough coated French hound breeds in its background

Appearance/Size: " The Otterhound is a large, strong breed (with a considerable size range within the breed). Males are generally in the 95 to 115 pound range and 26-28 inches at the shoulder, with females 65 to 90 pounds and 24-26 inches at the shoulder. An Otterhound's head should seem large and long even given the size of the dog, and it should have very long, low hanging ears."

Diet: " What you feed an Otterhound depends on the dog and what you are doing with it. There are two things to consider. An Otterhound is large dog and will be more expensive to feed than a smaller dog. Some also may be prone to bloat - which may make multiple smaller meals a day preferable to one large meal. It's also possibly a bad idea to feed the dog immediately before or after vigorous exercise."

Temperament: " The Otterhound standard says that the breed is "amiable, boisterous and even tempered". Basically these are big friendly dogs, but with a mind of their own."

Shedding: "Though some Otterhounds do have a fair amount of coat, most do not shed a great deal. With an "average" Otterhound, expect to brush the coat on a weekly basis to keep the coat from matting, particularly on the head, legs and underside."

Health/Allergies/Vaccines: " Otterhounds have a relatively long life span of 10 to 13 years with 25% living to 12 or older, and a few living to 15 or even 16. Like many of the large breeds, they are subject to hip dysplasia and bloat. Otterhounds are also subject to a potentially fatal bleeding disorder."  

Friday, December 2, 2011

Small Poetry Prompt - Write a poem about a very small object.

A single nail
holding a bench together
it goes unnoticed
but it may be the most important part.

Small and strong
it holds together the entire structure
not only the bench
but the people on it.

It may be viewed as insignificant
but in reality is overlooked
because the bench could not exist
without the small nail.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

TU Tuesday Speaker Evaluation

I thought that Paul Grondahl had great poise, and that he looked comfortable speaking to a group. He spoke at a good volume so that everyone could hear him, and he looked directly at the person who asked a question, instead of just looking around the room. He didn't use a lot of filler words like uh or um, and knew how he wanted to say everything. Another way that he showed good poise was connecting with us, the audience. He connected well with the audience by asking questions, and wasn't afraid to answer any questions. Whether he was answering a question about what great writing is, or how he started journalism, he conveyed the same points.

I thought that the speaker showed good clarity in his presentation, because he enunciated all his words clearly, so everyone would know exactly what he was talking about. I thought he used appropriate language for his audience, so that the language was not too simplistic that he sounded uneducated, but he did not use unnecessary big words either, so that no one would misunderstand him.

The speaker used great volume in his presentation. Everyone could hear him, and his words were not mumbled. I sat in the second row from the back, and I could hear him very clearly.

While he was speaking, the information he used was very specific. Not only did he provide a lot of information of how he began his journalism career, but also what everyone's goal should be. He said to find something you are good at, and constantly practice. He used examples like great writers, and even people in other fields, like Bradley Cooper. The information he used made his message and his overall presentation very clear.

The speaker used good organization, but I thought some of the questions may have thrown him off of his main points. He used great organization when talking about writing, and what makes writing good. The time when his organization lacked a little was when he talked about technology like twitter, and news feed sites. Sometimes, he said that they were just simple views on something that happened, and other times he said that it was the best way to get information. He made many valid points, but his views on technology seemed to be a little scattered.

My role in the discussion was asking him if he always knew if he wanted to do the personal stories that he does now. I thought that my contribution was good, but maybe a little late in the discussion. I thought that as a class we carried on the conversation very well. We asked a lot of valid questions on journalism and writing in general, like if entertainment is more important that information in an article, or what makes a good writer.

I think having a speaker like this come to class is a good thing for English 10 students. Not only does it teach us how to carry on a conversation, and what questions are good or simple answers, it also teaches us many ways to be a good speaker. The behaviors of the speaker exhibited what a good speaker should do. In my next presentation, I will try to do more of what made this presentation so good.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Paul Grondahl Questions

Why did Andy Rooney act so differently around his friends than he did with his fans?
What made Andy Rooney's broadcasts so special?

The writing in this article shows how dedicated he was to his work

I like how this article shows the two sides of Andy Rooney.

What was her body infected with that there was no medicine for?

I thought it was very courageous to continue living the way she did, and be very open about it.

Can she still work without a bottom half, or does she have another source of income to pay for her hospital bills?

The article showed not only the affect on her everyday life, but the lives of all the people around her.

I was surprised to find that he is actually disappointed that his fame comes from his work on 60 minutes.

If he makes a lot of money, why does he deal with malfunctioning equipment when he could buy more advanced technology?

This article shows a lot how he was not just a writer, but very skilled with wood and tools.

Why are these old things like his car and his computers so important to him that he won't buy new things?

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Opinion Prompt # 2: Child testimonies in abuse cases are not credible.

There is a big story in the news right now about Penn State, and a reported abuse scandal by one of their coaches. The coach, Jerry Sandusky, has repeatedly said that he is innocent. Some coaches says that they saw him abusing children in the showers, so there are conflicting ideas on whether he committed these acts or not. The child testimonies are going to be the most important part of this trial, because Sandusky is obviously going to say that he is innocent, and the coaches may just be trying to protect their jobs by saying that he did it. The testimonies from the children, will be their unbiased memories of what happened to them. The children, and Sandusky are the only ones that know that really happened. These children are the only ones that can give an unbiased answer to this case, because their jobs or freedom are not threatened by their answers. That is why I disagree with the statement that child testimonies in abuse cases are not credible. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I Want to Write About # 93 Write about a time you had to wait for something you wanted.

When I was young, I got very excited for Christmas, like many other kids. The hardest part about the time leading up to Christmas was that I had to wait to get my gifts. The weeks leading up to Christmas were full of anticipation for all the fun things I could do on Christmas day. Not only the gifts, but also the family time on Christmas. Sometimes, the anticipation made the gifts even more fun. The waiting was hard, but it made it the gifts more special. If I had gotten these things sooner, than they probably wouldn't have been as important to me. This is a lesson that I have learned from this experience, sometimes waiting for things makes them more special. Something that you can have whenever you want is probably not worth your time, and you have to wait for good things.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

N= New Zealand

I have never been to New Zealand before, but I have heard a lot of nice things about it. If I had the opportunity to go there, I would definitely go.

If I could go to New Zealand I would...

1. See the Aranui Cave." Aranui Cave has the most concentrated display of limestone formations in Waitomo. Your journey begins with a walk through beautiful native bush, before stepping through the other-worldly cave entrance.It is remarkable for its sheer number of stalactites, stalagmites and other limestone formations. The cave was formed on an earthquake fault, meaning the rain water that creates the limestone crystals enters more readily. As a result, almost every corner of the roof and walls are adorned with fragile, sparkling forms in pale brown, pink and white."

2. Swim with dolphins in the bay. " Our purpose built dolphin vessel gets you closer – with a low viewing deck, water jet engines, underwater microphone and experienced crew with an intimate knowledge of dolphin behavior. And with a maximum number of 35 passengers onboard it means that this is a very upclose and personal experience."

3. Cycle through Otago Central. " ...view the stunning Otago Central landscape, across wonderful farmland, through spectacular gorges, over wooden trestle bridges and viaducts, tunnels cut through schist bluffs and so much more, while enjoying mainly flat and gental gradients.Experience the heart of this special trail on bike or foot!"

4. Go kayaking on a Waimarino Kayak Tour. " Waimarino Kayak Tours offers the best kayaking trips in Tauranga & Rotorua including magical glow-worm cave experiences, transport and catering. Paddle down the Wairoa River waters through abundant bird life, explore the vast Tauranga Harbour and learn of the area's Maori legends.Waimarino Adventure Park has New Zealand's only kayak slide, The Blob, kayaks, rock climbing, diving boards, Italian Pedallos and plenty more."

5. Go to an art gallery in Nelson. " With up to 400 artists in the region there is no shortage of art disciplines to critique as you explore the diverse array of galleries.Art Exposed provides personal access and introductions to the very best in each art category."

6. Go paragliding in Nelson. " 
The Paraglider is the simplest, most lightweight form of aircraft known to man, so this makes taking you to soar with the birds quick and easy.Cumulus Paragliding Limited is operated by fully qualified NZHGPA instructor and tandem pilots. We offer tandem flights and all training required for paragliding certificates.Tandem Flights: After a short briefing, clip in and safety checks, your pilot will kite the paraglider above your heads, then, with a few steps, you and your pilot will be gently lifted from the launch to begin your free flight experience."

7. Go golfing in Queenstown. " Peak Golf Queenstown is a specialist golf services company completely focused on ensuring you have the best golf experience in Queenstown.We arrange everything from transport to tee-times to tuition and we do it all in style.Your choice of spectacular golf course. Transfers to and from courses. Tee-time bookings. Executive club and shoe hire. Club cleaning. Caddying & golf tuition."

I would be very excited if I ever had the opportunity to experience all of these things in New Zealand. There are so many exciting things to do, I doubt I would ever want to leave.

Friday, November 4, 2011

A problem shared is a problem halved

When people have problems, they often go to their friends for help. When people have to make an important decision, they ask their family, and the people they know will help them the most. Right now, my brother is deciding between colleges right now, and it is a very important decision. Instead of taking this problem on by himself, which would be very overwhelming, he is looking to other people for help, which is a smart thing to do. He is not letting other people make the decision for him, obviously, but he is letting other people share with him, so that the problem is not entirely his, and he can relax a little more. This is a very important thing to do, not only as a person with a problem, but being able to help someone else with a problem also.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Dulcis Brevis Poem







Wednesday, October 26, 2011

TU Tuesday

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone. 
Pull at least FIVE words or phrases out, define them, describe their effect, and tell what the overall impact those words or phrases give to the piece as a whole while incorporating into the post the textual evidence you pulled out from it to define.
"a 50-50 split of revenues"
revenues: the total amount of money coming in.
"Seeking greater parity among their 30 teams,"
parity: equality
"...but players fear the penalties would be so punitive they would act like a hard salary cap."
punitive: inflicting punishment
" Players were guaranteed 57 percent of BRI under the previous collective bargaining agreement."
BRI: basketball related income, the amount of money basketball brings in.
" Commissioner David Stern has said he feared even games through Christmas would be in jeopardy if there wasn't a deal last week."

jeopardy: risk or danger

This article talks about the NBA lockout negotiations. The words the author uses are meant to portray the conditions of these talks. When the author says, " ... even games through Christmas would be in jeopardy if there wasn't a deal last week," he is expressing the seriousness of the situation if the deal is not reached. When he says, "...but players fear the penalties would be so punitive they would act like a hard salary cap," he is talking about how the penalties of the new rules would be almost as punishing as a salary cap. Lastly,    " Seeking greater parity among their 30 teams," means that the league wants to make rules that will make their teams more equal. That is how the author uses language to get his point across.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Childhood Book

A book I remember liking as a child was How The Grinch Stole Christmas! In this book, the Grinch doesn't like that all the Whos have everything that they do, so he trys to ruin their Christmas by stealing all of their gifts. After he has stolen all of their presents, he watches the Whos, expecting them to be angry that all of their gifts are gone, but instead, they are just happy to have each other. The Grinch then learns his lesson, that material things are not important, and that friendship, and the people you care about should be most important. He brings all the gifts back, and joins the Whos for a feast. I think this lesson stuck with me, because it is a very important lesson to learn. The people you care about should always come first in your life, because they are the ones who will always be there for you.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

M= Maryland
I would want to attend based on...

1. Reputation:  Maryland is 17th in the ranking of national public universities.

2. Business Education: The Smith School of Business is ranked 9th in public universities. It is 15th in entrepreneurship, 10th in management, and 7th in Management Information Systems.

3. Athletic Opportunities: Maryland offers many intramural sports, such as basketball, flag football, and ultimate frisbee.

4. Academic Opportunities: "  the University of Maryland houses over 200 graduate degree programs", many majors to pick from.

5. Enrollment: Maryland enrolls nearly 11,000 students from each state.

I would be hesitant because...

1. Science Education: ranked 57th in biological sciences.

2. Commute: 3.5 hour drive from Guilderland, N.Y.

3. Cost: Total cost of 39,804 including tuition, meal plan, books and supplies.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Vintage Photo

Wright Brothers Glider in Flight

This picture is worth words to me because it shows me how much an idea can change the world. The Wright Brothers came up with an idea that not many people supported or thought was possible, but they believed in themselves, and their idea. They were determined to make their idea work, and make it possible to fly. They could have given up, and listened to the people around them, that said it would never work, but they kept working to improve the glider. It didn't work perfectly all the time, but they learned from their mistakes. Their determination is why we have airplanes today.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Body by Stephen King

"The most important things are the hardest things to say."

The most important things are the hardest things to say,
but say them while you still can.

The most important things are the hardest things to say,
but let everyone know that you care about them.

The most important things are the hardest things to say,
but are the most necessary to say.

The most important things are the hardest things to say,
but say them while you still can.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

TU Tuesday BLOG

Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is valid and the evidence is relevant and sufficient; identify false statements and fallacious reasoning.

Pete Dougherty is saying that the response to one of his tweets by Brian Noe was very unprofessional. He says that this reply makes it clear to him that Noe thinks hockey and its fans are irrelevant to him, and that he is not going to talk about a local hockey team on his show. I agree with Dougherty, because Noe clearly thinks as hockey as irrelevant to him and his radio show. "...  I took to the comments board and also Twitter to inform fans that no additional coverage was in the works. Three hours later, Noe replied to my tweet with nothing more than the hashtag “#getahobby.” This just shows that Noe does not care about what his listeners want to hear, and that he doesn't think hockey is worth talking about. However, I disagree with Dougherty when he says, " It’s also a bleak reminder that WTMM historically favors national headlines over the area’s local sports teams." I do not find this to be true, because although Noe clearly does not want to talk about local hockey, there are other local shows on the station that often talk about local teams, and their recent games and transactions. I think Noe should take a lesson from his listeners and other local shows, and listen to what the viewers want to hear about, and not just what is important to him.

Monday, October 10, 2011


Future adventures
are often told by one's past
unless change occurs.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

TU Tuesday

Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.  And, develop FIVE factual, interpretive, and evaluative questions for further exploration of the topic(s).

This article is about the possibility of Missouri leaving the Big 12 conference in college sports. The desicion to explore other possible conferences came after a long meeting between the board members. This could mean big trouble for the Big 12 conference, which contains college sports superpowers Texas and Oklahoma. The colleges of Nebraska and Colorado left the conference last year. A possible cause of Missouri looking for other conferences may be the fact that the Big 12 Conference is requesting that all teams make binding agreements to ensure the stability of the conference for a long time to come. Missouri is not willing to make that kind of commitment to the conference. Missouri leaving would be a big deal, because they have been a part of the Big 12 for fifteen years, since the conference began.

Possible conferences for Missouri to go to are the SEC, which is looking to get another team to make an even 14 teams. Also, the Big East could also be a possibility, because they lost two members, Syracuse and Pittsburg, this year. The Big 12 has many possible teams to join it if Missouri does leave. The article says, "
If the Big 12 wanted to stretch farther east, Louisville, Cincinnati and West Virginia of the Big East could be targets. There has also been speculation that the Big 12 could pursue BYU, TCU, SMU, and Houston. " This could cause many changes in college sports in years to come. After reading this article, I still have some questions on this topic:

1. What about the conference besides the long term commitment made Missouri want to leave?
2. Can the other conferences that Missouri will possibly join offer them as much television rights as the Big 12 did?
3. What is the Big 12 not doing to keep its members happy?
4. Why, after years of stability of conferences, are many teams relocating in the past couple years?
5. Why don't the sport players have any voice in these decisions?

Monday, October 3, 2011

Opinion Prompt 9 - Breakfast is the most important meal of the day

I agree with this statement, because it is the food that you starts your day with. You need to eat good food to get energy for the rest of the day. If you don't eat well, you won't have the energy you need to do things in the morning. Studies show that good grades are often associated with a good breakfast. Your body needs the necessary nutrition and energy to perform tasks, whether it is playing a sport, or doing academic work, your body cannot complete the task to the best of its ability without the necessary nutrition. That is why I agree with the statement that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Poetry Prompt - Write a poem using the following start: "What good is a day..."

Good Day

What good is a day where the sun doesn't shine
and the grass doesn't grow
and the weather isn't nice

What good is a day where the leaves don't fall
and the trees aren't colored
and the lawns are clear

What good is a day where the snow doesn't fall
and the kids don't play
and the sleds aren't fast

What good is a day where the flowers don't bloom
and the games aren't played
and the people aren't happy

What good is a day when no change happens
and it all stays the same
and nothing moves forward

Monday, September 26, 2011

Creative Writing Prompts

108: List ten things you do when you procrastinate

  1. Watch T.V.
  2. Use my Ipod
  3. Check my fantasy football scores
  4. Listen to music
  5. Play video games
  6. Check Twitter
  7. Walk my dog
  8. Text people
  9. Look at gradespeed
  10. Check Facebook

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Web Gallery of Art

 This dish reminds me of the fancy china plates that my family has in a cabinet in our dining room. A lot of people use them for special occasions, but we never really use them, so they are mostly for decoration. It is odd to me that something that expensive is rarely used in our house. To some people, presentation is very important, so I guess that is why my parents bought those plates.

Clear glass with diamond-point engraving, diameter 32 cm
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Your Skills and talents will be called on in unusual areas (116 words)

Last year, I played freshman baseball for the school. While I made the team to pitch, I was often used as a pinch runner instead, because I have good speed. I was happy to help my team any way I could. Sometimes you have to use your talents in unusual ways. If your skills can help you or someone else in a situation, you should use them. Whether it’s using athletic ability to do something you haven’t done before to help your team, or teaching someone how to do something using your knowledge. Many sports analysts are former pro players, so they use their knowledge of the sport to help people understand things. That is important.

Friday, September 16, 2011

L, L, What begins with L?

Like many people, I enjoy playing and watching sports. Lots of books and articles are written about sports. Legendary players have many books written about them. Lou Gehrig has had a lot of books written about him, many of which I have read. Long articles about coaching errors and great plays from the day before always appear in the newspaper. Late game mistakes are often criticized by the media in magazines. LeBron James is a player that is often written about in magazines because of his actions. Large amounts of sports information can come just from reading. Learning about sports is easy if you read some of these articles.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Graphic Poem


One day we have to stop wishing through windows we know have been shut
we have to keep the past behind us
both the good and the bad

One day we have to stop wishing through windows we know have been shut
and not think of what we could've done
or would've changed

One day we have to stop wishing through windows we know have been shut
and look at what is in front of us,
look at the experiences that are still open to us

One day we have to stop wishing through windows we know have been shut
and look to the future to bring us new experiences
new challenges, and new happiness

Monday, September 12, 2011

10 Things You Don't Know About Mike Ghizzoni

1. I have two older brothers, one is a senior here at Guilderland, and the other is a junior in college.

2. Even though i enjoy all sports, I only play baseball.

3. My favorite T.V. show is The Office.

4. I went to a New York Yankees World Series game in 2009, and saw them win game two.

5. Every year, my family and I go to my Uncle's house in Courtland, NY, and we watch the fireworks for the 4th of July.

6. My favorite book genre is sports fiction.

7. My favorite football team is the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, and I watch them every Sunday.

8. I have a dog named Kooper, who I have had since elementary school.

9. I go to Williamsport, Pennsylvania every year during summer vacation.

10. My favorite movie is Step Brothers, because I think Will Ferrell is very funny.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Books I Read in the Summer of 2011

Quiet Strength by Tony Dungy
Satchel by Larry Tye
The Bleachers by John Grisham