Friday, June 1, 2012

Fahrenheit 451 Analysis

10. Follow Montag's ideological progression. Where does it truly begin and what are the most important instances that spur its growth? Use specific examples from the text in your argument.

Montag's ideology changes in a big way over the course of the book Fahrenheit 451. In the beginning of the book, Montag likes his job as a fireman, and agrees with the policies that go with it. " He wanted above all, like the old joke, to shove a marshmallow on a stick in the furnace, while the flapping pigeon-winged books died on the porch and lawn of the house." (3). Then, he meets a girl named Clarisse McClellan, who thinks a lot differently than almost everyone else Montag has met. Clarisse asks Montag a question that really gets Montag to think about his life how it is. " Then she seemed to remember something and came back to look at him with wonder and curiosity 'Are you happy?' she said." (10). This question leads to Montag questioning everything that he believes in. " 'God, it's gotten big on me. I don't know what it is. I'm so damned unhappy, I'm so mad, and I don't know why. I feel like I'm putting on weight. I feel fat. I feel like I've been saving up a lot of things, and don't know what. I might even start reading books.' " (64).
 After reading these books, he feels that he has to make sure that they are preserved. He thinks of people that may be able to help him, and he thinks of an old man that he met in the park. " Montag went to his bedroom closet and flipped through his file-wallet to the heading: FUTURE INVESTIGATIONS (?). Fabers' name was there. He hadn't turned it in and he hadn't erased it." (75). He meets the old man, and he gives Montag a communication system to put in his ear so that Faber can stay safe in his home and still help Montag. Montag then tries to trick Beatty, the fire captain, by giving him only one book. It is not illegal for a fireman to take one book, so Montag thinks that as long as he turns one in, he will be off the hook. However, Beatty discovers him, and takes action against Montag's book collection. " 'Why,' said Montag slowly, 'we've stopped in front of my house' " (110). Then, because Beatty will destroy the books, and find Faber, Montag makes a big decision. " And then he (Beatty) was a shrieking blaze, a jumping, sprawling gibbering mannikin, no longer human or known, all writhing flame on the lawn as Montag shot one continuous pulse of liquid fire on him" (119). Montag goes from being completely happy with burning books, to killing Beatty to protect them. His views regarding books greatly changed over the course of the book.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

TU Tuesday- Local


I read an article that said that "Schenectady County had the state's highest rate of index crimes, which cover murders, rapes, robberies, aggravated assaults, burglaries, larcenies and stolen cars." This is very serious, because these are crimes that are very threatening to the people living in these areas. These numbers get scarier when you compare them to areas known for the crime. " To put that in perspective, all three local counties showed higher crime rates than the Bronx (2,524.9), Brooklyn (2,345.6), Queens (1,779) and Staten Island (1,444.4)." These areas are notorious for their crime rates, and the fact that local counties have more crime than those areas is a very scary fact. However, the news isn't all negative for areas near where we live. "Saratoga County had the state's eighth-lowest index crime rate (1,393.1), 12th-lowest property crime rate (1,333.7), fifth lowest violent crime rate (59.4) and sixth-lowest violent gun crime rate (3.6)." It is nice to see that while we have some crime filled areas close by us, that there are still counties in the Capital region that know the right thing to do. While the number of crimes in areas like Albany and Schenectady may be scary, they are not the highest crime rate. "In both those categories, topping the list was Erie County, which includes Buffalo. Erie had a violent crime rate of 455.1 and violent gun crime rate of 125.1. Monroe County (93.2) was second in violent gun crimes." While we live by some crime filled areas, there are many different places that are worse, like Erie County near Buffalo.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

5. I appreciate the military because…

I appreciate the military because…

they protect our country everyday, so that we can keep our rights and our customs. They sacrifice their lives, and spend time away from home, away from their families, so that America can remain the way it is. They fight for what is right, and protect the ideas and beliefs of America. I appreciate the military because I would not be able to live the way I do today if they did not fight for our rights. Their families sacrifice just as much, because while serving in the military, they are away from home, and away from their kids, but it is important for them to serve their country. I appreciate the military, because they make so many sacrifices for America.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What is Crippling Us?

In the article I read by John Taylor Gatto, he argues that organized school is not necessary for children to learn. " Do we really need school? I don't mean education, just forced schooling: six classes a day, five days a week, nine months a year, for twelve years. Is this deadly routine really necessary? And if so, for what? Don't hide behind reading, writing, and arithmetic as a rationale, because 2 million happy homeschoolers have surely put that banal justification to rest." (Gatto). I disagree with this statement, because in my case, my parents work full time. I don't have a way to learn at home, so school is a way to gain knowledge. While I agree it is not the most entertaining part of my day, I still need to go learn things that I will need to know for college, and my future. Gatto also argues that schools should divide kids into different groups, for different criteria. " Modern, industrialized, compulsory schooling was to make a sort of surgical incision into the prospective unity of these underclasses. Divide children by subject, by age-grading, by constant rankings on tests, and by many other more subtle means, and it was unlikely that the ignorant mass of mankind, separated in childhood, would ever reintegrate into a dangerous whole." ( Gatto). I believe that schools in our area divide kids into the best extent possible. With regents, honors, and AP options for each class, the children in schools are divided into groups where everyone is close academically. Dividing the school system to a great extent would force school to become much more stressful for students, and it would just make life worse for students. Gatto wants to improve society, but his plan is going to lead to more stress, and a less active society. In the Ray Bradbury book Fahrenheit 451, he shows how he believes society is moving toward a world where written word is forbidden. " All the minor minor minorities with their navels to be kept clean. Authors, full of evil thoughts, lock up your typewriters." (Bradbury, 57). This line is saying that all minorities must be kept happy, and the only way to do that, and make sure nothing bad is said about them, is to stop authors' messages in books from getting out to the public. Bradbury also makes a comment, like Gatto, on the direction that school is moving. " ' School is shortened, discipline relaxed, philosophies, histories, languages dropped, English and spelling gradually gradually neglected, finally almost completely ignored. Life is immediate, the job counts, pleasure lies all about after work." ( Bradbury, 55). Bradbury also thinks that school is becoming more relaxed, and that discipline is no longer important in present society. I also disagree with Bradbury, because I think it is important for stress in life to be controlled. School is very competitive as it is, because you need good grades to get into a respected college and get a well paying job. While it makes for an entertaining story, I don't think many of the points in Fahrenheit 451 are relevant to today's society. 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Tried and True

If I had ten copies of myself, I would make each focus on a different aspect of my life. Many would focus on doing school work, like going to school during the day, and doing the homework. I would have one for each class of the day, so that each one is an expert on what they are working on. The next would focus on sports, that way, they can develop skills much faster because that is all that they are focusing on. I could have many different copies work on different sports, so that I have skills in many different sports. Another would be used for house work. The rest of the copies would be used to go places for me, for events that I do not want to go to. That way, I have all free time to hang out with my friends.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

TU Tuesday Commencement Speech



The speech I chose was Steve Jobs' commencement speech to Stanford University. He talks about how he was successful, and what factors led him to the path he took. "have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." I agree that it is very important to go with your gut, and do what you really think is the right option for you, because when you over think things, you may not be happy with the result. You also have to have an intention to be successful. "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.". You have to go after what you want, but you have to stay yourself, and that is what Steve Jobs is saying with this quote.

In a complex or difficult situation, it is easy to just give up, but people who really want to be successful will keep trying to make it work." Don't lose faith. I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You've got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work." Doing what you love, and enjoy doing, will help you be happy in your future. You have to like it, and also be very skilled at it to make a future out of it. Another story that explains the path to success is Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. In his book, he talks about what work needs to make you happy and also prosperous. " Those three things - autonomy, complexity, and a connection between effort and reward - are, most people will agree, the three qualities that work has to have if it is to be satisfying." I find that this is true in a lot of cases. If you enjoy doing it, and it continues to challenge you, then it will make you happy in the future.

Steve Jobs says that you can't have a clear view of the results of your decisions, but you have to pick the right options for you. "you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life." Trusting in yourself, and your instincts, will lead you down the path to success. You have to trust in yourself, and your decisions, that the end result will be what you want it to be. Belief in yourself is one of the most important things to have in order to be successful.

Monday, May 14, 2012

34 What I Spend Money On

Usually, when I spend my money, I have saved it up for a long time, in order to get something expensive. I have saved up for things like the Ipod touch, a new baseball glove, and other fun things, usually related to technology or sports. Now, I am saving up for a car, because unlike my other two brothers, I do not have a car waiting for me when I get my license. I will more than likely end up buying a used car, but whatever I can get will be great.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Love To Know Slideshow

If you were stranded far away from home and only had $20 in your wallet, what would you do? 
If I was stranded and only had $20 left, I would spend it on food. I would do this, because there are many places that you can stay for a couple of nights for free, like a friend's house or a shelter. There are almost no ways to get the amount of food you need on a daily basis for free. Food is most important because you can't function, or think, without the necessary nutrients that food provides. In order to think of a way to get more money, or to get back home, you would absolutely need food. That is why I would spend my $20 on food. 

Friday, May 4, 2012

Philosophy ( communism)


Communism is the political system that calls for public ownership instead of private property. It attempts to create a classless society by making everyone equal. " Communism is thus a form of socialism—a higher and more advanced form, according to its advocates." It was created by Karl Marx, who said that through Communism, government would no longer be necessary. However, I do not agree with it. First, I do not fully agree with the ideological theory, because it does not account for slackers, and people who are very lethargic. People are less inclined to work hard if they do not benefit from their work. Therefore, people will be less motivated to do work, because everyone gets an equal share. Also, in reality, Communism never works out like the theory. It usually leads to totalitarian governments, because people get so hungry for power. So instead of having no government necessary, they have a ruler who completely controls every aspect of everyone's life.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Tu Tuesday- Classified

Red carabiner plus keys and store tags lost in vicinity of Stuyvesant Plaza and Fuller Road.


This story is fiction.

A Long Walk Home

All I wanted was to go to the grocery store to pick up some food. I walked to my red truck, ready to go home, eat, and go to sleep after a long day. I reached into my pocket, but I felt nothing. I kept feeling around in my pocket, but still, nothing. I tried my other pockets, but found nothing but my cell phone and some pocket lint. I went back into the store to see if I had just dropped them on the floor, but I could not find them anywhere. I had no idea where my keys were by now. All I knew was that they were " lost in vicinity of Stuyvesant Plaza and Fuller Road."

I went back out to my truck, but I had to think of another way to get home. I didn't know the bus schedule, but there wasn't a bus stop anywhere within walking distance anyway. Then I began to think, how will I get into my house? I don't have any keys. I had to find those keys before I left. They were easily identified, with a " Red carabiner plus keys". I looked for about an hour through the entire parking lot, and asking anyone if they had seen my keys. I could not find them after a lot of time searching. I just decided to walk home, and find some way to get into my house, to grab my spare truck key.

A half hour walk later, I had reached my house. Both doors were locked, and with no keys, I would have to get creative. I used my credit card to open my front door, like I was a robber getting into my own house. I would most likely have to get my truck in the morning, because I sure wasn't walking back over to the store. Never the less, the long day was over, and I was finally home.

Monday, April 30, 2012

R= Rice Pilaf

2 tablespoons butter- A simple ingredient, like the simplicity of days with our grandparents in New Jersey.

1/2 onion, minced- An added flavor to the recipe, this shows that there was always something else to experience there. 

1/2 red bell pepper, minced- an ingredient that gives the recipe a little spice, like all of the twists and turns the evenings would take with our grandparents, visiting new places around the town, and experiencing new things.

2 pinches kosher salt- A very common ingredient, but there was nothing common about the way my grandmother cooked anything. Especially her very good rice pilaf.

2 cups long grain rice- the main ingredient, just like family was the main focus of every evening we spent at our grandparents' house in New Jersey.

2 3/4 cups chicken broth- common in soup, this part of the recipe symbolizes the warmth that was felt all of the time when we were around family, and people who cared about us.

2 strips orange zest- A little added sweetness to the rice, showing what was felt when we spent time with family. Sweetness and joy.

Pinch of saffron strands, steeped in 1/4 cup hot water- another spicy ingredient, showing that you never know what to expect. There were always unexpected thrills and fun that we had when our family was together in that house in New Jersey.

1 bay leaf- we would visit most falls, and see all of the leaves that surrounded the house changing colors, and becoming yellow and orange.

1 1/2 cups frozen peas, thawed- I don't think my grandmother put peas into her rice pilaf, but she always made great tasting vegetables with all of her meals.

Golden raisins and pistachios for garnish- Yet another flavor to taste when enjoying rice pilaf. It makes me remember all of the meals my grandmother would make, so there was always a new taste to be experienced.

One of the things I remember most about my grandparents, was their great cooking, and their great warmth. In a way, this recipe expresses both of these.

Recipe from:

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Famous Poem Starters

By the shore of Gitchie Gumee, By the shining Big-Sea-Water, that is where I wish to be. 
Free to move and play on the beach, or in the water. 
The perfect place to relax, and let your cares fade away. 
Where the weather is perfect, and there are no troubles, that is where I wish to be.  
But all good things must come to an end,
and though I may have to leave,
I still dream of going there, because, that is where I wish to be.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Nursery Rhymes are relevant to life

One misty, moisty morning

One misty, moisty morning,
When cloudy was the weather,
I chanced to meet an old man
Clothed all in leather.
He began to compliment,
And I began to grin,
How do you do?
And how do you do?
And how do you do, again?

This nursery rhyme reminds me a lot of how I spent my weekend with my family. My brother visited the college of Holy Cross for accepted students day on Sunday, but the weather was bad, and it was raining very heavily. Still, my whole family was able to enjoy the day because of how nice the campus was, and how nice the people on it were. Much like the old man who compliments in this nursery rhyme, the nice people on campus made up for the poor weather. The friendly people made it a great day, despite the weather.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Turn Your Inkblot into a butterfly

Making mistakes
it is a part of life
but it is what we do to fix those mistakes
that makes us who we are

To correct a mistake, 
you must know your mistake.
Knowing this allows you to correct it
and make it right.


Now you must right your wrong,
 admitting you made a mistake
is the only way you can move on,
and start to leave the mistake behind.
Your mistake is now far behind you, but you still have not completely corrected it. It will take all of your effort, in order to complete your correction.

 Now your mistake is gone, and you can continue your life, living freely, like a butterfly out of the cocoon   

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tu Tuesday Mark McGuire

About the Author:

Mark McGuire is a sports column writer who has a family of " two kids and one wife" and enjoys sports a lot.    " McGuire remained a fan at heart, a mindset forged from decades of sitting in the cheap seats." I read McGuire's story on which New York Jets quarterback has more fan support. " And there shouldn’t be a shock in this: Support between Sanchez and the highly (and publicly) religious Tebow breaks down along party lines.Democrats favor Sanchez 46-27 percent, according to the poll.Republicans favor Tebow 46-34." Being a fan himself, McGuire shows very interesting points of view on sports issues. " 'Tebow is a hero to a certain group of people. I’m a little surprised Tebow doesn’t even do better among upstate folk,' Levy said. 'You are looking at upstate, you are looking at party and looking at religiosity. He is an icon. We will see how it plays out in New York.' He shows his perspective on the issues, and because he is a true fan and not just paying attention to sports because it is his job, he is very well informed on the aspects of sports. He gives the reader a very unique experience when they read his articles.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

NYT Tuesday

A Walk to the Store

You would never think a walk to the store would get you killed
shooters in my neighborhood
they do what the system allows them to do
I have felt legitimately threatened before, and I didn’t stand my ground.
anyone can feel threatened if they are scared or paranoid about their safety
You would never think a walk to the store would get you killed
but you can't risk your life.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Money, fame, or happiness? Are they mutually exclusive?

 Money, fame and happiness are very different things, but I don't think they are mutually exclusive. While money doesn't always lead to happiness, in a lot of cases it can make people enjoy life more. The best example is people that go from living in a poor environment, to living a very luxurious lifestyle. I'm sure that in most cases the people are much happier living with more money than being poor. Fame and money are not mutually exclusive, because if you are famous, people will pay you to appear at events. The relationship between fame and happiness depends on the situation. If someone is famous for a good thing that they have done, and they are well liked, that person will probably be very happy. The people that are famous for something bad that they have done, like Cam Newton, who is famous for his pay for play scandal in college, would probably prefer to have less fame, because people recognize them for that one thing, and not for them as a person. Money, fame and happiness are not mutually exclusive in most cases, but it really depends on the situation. 

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Q= Quiznos

My restaurant is Quiznos subs, which is located in 20 Mall on Western Ave. Quiznos is similar to most sub shops, it has a counter to order subs, and some tables to sit down if you choose to eat in the restaurant instead of taking the food home. Quiznos offers a wide variety of sub selections, as well as soup and bread bowl meals. They also offer chips, cookies, and other snacks to go with your meal. Their drink selections include normal soft drinks and very good pink lemonade. The service is very good at Quiznos, because they let you take off or put on anything you want on their subs. The food comes out very quickly, even if they toast your sub. The prices are normal for a sub shop. All together, Quiznos is a very good restaurant, with its quick service, and its delicious food. I would highly recommend Quiznos to anyone who likes sub sandwiches.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Bucket List

  1. Volunteer in a poor country- my cousin went to help in Rwanda a couple years ago, and said it was a great experience to help those people who had so little. I want to make a difference like that. 
  2. Visit Italy- my Italian heritage is very important to me, so I would want to see all the art, and the cities with Italian culture. It would help me learn a lot about Italian culture.
  3. Throw the first pitch at a major league baseball game- baseball is one of my favorite things, and since I won't be a professional athlete, throwing the first pitch would be the next best thing.
  4. Go skydiving- this is not something I would normally do, but for a bucket list, you have to pack a lot of excitement into a short period of time, and I think that it would be an exciting experience.
  5.  Go to the Superbowl- seeing the biggest game of the year should be on any sports fan's bucket list. It doesn't have to have my favorite team in it, because the atmosphere of the game is enough to make it a great experience.
  6. Run a marathon- training and running in a marathon puts you in the best shape possible. The experience would really teach me how to take care of my body.
  7. Swim with dolphins- I have no idea how this experience would feel. It is such a different activity than anything routine, so it would be fun to try.
  8. See an Egyptian pyramid- everyone has seen pictures, but seeing it in person would be incredible. 
  9. Go to a music festival- obviously it would have to be music that I like, but the atmosphere at a concert is so exciting, and a festival is doubles that experience.
  10. Make a difference in someone's life- knowing that I left a mark on the world, even just one person, would be the best feeling to have.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Language of Song

Song Used: The Rosehip by Silvio Rodriguez 

He had been raised to not question anything, but that wasn't who he was anymore. He needed to know the reasons behind everything. He needed to know why something was right before he could believe in it, he had a scientific mind. He had begun to question religion, something that his family had believed strongly in since he was born. His parents had grown angry with him, and told him to sit in his room. His need for information had brought him and his family apart. His need for knowledge went from a blessing to a curse. The medicine sat on his nightstand, the medicine that would make him think more simply. His decision was between acceptance and brilliance. He reached for the medicine, and the acceptance from the community that came with it. 

Friday, March 16, 2012

Lucky Blog

When I used to play little league baseball, I would wear my lucky wristband to every game. My lucky wristband was an Under Armor white wristband that I wore on my right arm for every game. After playing well for a couple games after I started wearing it, it became my lucky wristband, and I made sure to wear it to every game of the season. I'm sure the wristband had no effect on the way I played, but it gave me an odd kind of confidence when I wore it when I was a kid. After a while, the wristband started to get worn away, so I stopped wearing it, but it was important to me when I was little.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

TU Tuesday- CRIME

My Question:  Do celebrities get special consideration when they go to court?

The Times Union article I read was about pro wide receiver Brandon Marshall, and a dispute in a New York night club. " a woman has accused NFL star receiver Brandon Marshall of punching her in the face at a nightclub." Brandon Marshall has constantly been in the news for this type of reckless, dangerous behavior, but he has served very little time for his crimes. While he has also been a victim of a few crimes, like being stabbed in a domestic dispute, I still wonder if he gets a lighter punishment because he is a celebrity. While this may be somewhat of an opinion question, it is still very relevant in the world we live in. " Some 60 percent of people surveyed said celebrities get treated better by the judicial system because they have a lot of money, while 12 percent think they are singled out for prosecution because they are high-profile." Many people think that celebrities get better treatment in court than regular citizens. It is very hard to argue against that, because last summer, Aquib Talib of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers was charged with battery on a taxi driver, and was back in time for football season. "This nicer-jail-stay-for-pay scheme not only allows the rich and famous – as well as the more modestly affluent – to avoid the brutality, squalor, abysmal medical care and other unpleasant conditions typical in public jail systems. It also highlights the inequities of a two-track system of justice in the United States in which the wealthy enjoy privileges and perks behind bars while the poor are resigned to less comfortable and more dangerous conditions of confinement." Most of the research I have done shows that many people believe that celebrities get special consideration in court, because they are famous and rich.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


2. In a heated tennis match, your opponent returns a ball that looks out, but you’re not sure. If you win the point, you win the match. Do you call the ball out?

I would call the ball out. This may not be the ethically correct thing to do in this situation, but I have a very competitive spirit, especially when it comes to athletics. In this situation, the ball is obviously close enough to be called either way, but it looks like it is out. There is no way to make both sides happy on a borderline call, because there are no do-overs. If the ball looks out to me, I am going to call it out, because that is how I saw it, and it is the only fair way to call it. I know that, with my competitive attitude, and the uncertainty that comes with the situation, I would call the ball out.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

My Blog Idea

Blog: Describe a book that changed the way you thought about the subject. It doesn't necessarily have to be your favorite book, but it should have changed your thoughts about the subject.

Example: A book that changed the way I thought about something was Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. I used to think that people just overcame obstacles by only will and luck, but after reading this book, I realized that every person that overcame obstacles had a specific reason for accomplishing what they accomplished. For some, it was opportunity, like Bill Joy having a computer lab to work in. For others, like the plane crashes, it was just a result of many malfunctions occurring all at once. This book helped me to understand that there are specific reasons for almost anything that happens against the odds.

Friday, March 2, 2012


Original Poems:


My eyes focus on the paper
the paper full of questions
questions without answers
answers I have to find
finding time to study
studying will help me succeed
succeed is what I want to do.


stressed students
a big test
hits every person's desk.
A long list of questions
seeing what you know
what you studied
if you

 Revision Advice:  Mike - I like the form you chose in "Test" - using the last word in one line as the first word in the next line.  It's a good exercise in staying focused line by line.  That paired with the second poem, "Classroom," helps the reader to know more about you because both poems are related - I call them companion poems - and work well together.

I can't help feel there's more you want to say on this subject, and suggest a 5-10 free write just to see what other images pop up for you.

Mimi Moriarty

Revised Poems: 

 My eyes focus on the paper
the paper full of questions
questions without answers
answers I should know
know that i can pass the test
test myself on what I studied
studied all that I could the night before
before now, I felt confidence
confidence is slowly leaving 
leaving the room after the test
the test that I worked hard on.


working students
 an important test
scary to so many
like a monster to children
everyone's grade lingering on one assignment
an irrational fear of what might happen
an indicator of things to come
if the students work hard
they can all succeed 
if they don't
they can

Reflection: I can clearly see that the new, revised poems are better. Mimi Moriarty gave me some great advice, which was to free write, and say more of what I thought in my poems. This helped me develop a clearer message in both poems, and use more poetic devices, like figurative language. I can use this for future poems also, by remembering to say more of what I think, and give the reader a better message.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

P= Eight People to Emulate

  1. Picasso- His creativity may never be repeated, but I like to use him as a guide when I have to do my creative thinking.
  2. Peyton Manning- His work ethic and good attitude make him one of the best quarterbacks in the NFL.
  3. Patton Oswalt- cheering yourself up along with others is an important thing to do, and his acting and comedy does exactly that for many people.
  4. Phil Mickelson- overcoming something like arthritis to continue his career as a golfer is something I use as inspiration to overcome my own obstacles.
  5. Paul Pierce- Along with playing in the NBA, he also has his own charity and visits underprivileged children. He is a very generous person.
  6. Jason Pierre Paul- his story of growing up in Haiti, and discovering football, which he now plays professionally, very late in high school, shows that opportunity can strike at any time, and I will try to be like him, and seize the opportunity when it comes.
  7. Scottie Pippen-  he never drew more attention to himself than was needed, and as Michael Jordan's teammate, he received little credit for the many championships that he won, but he didn't brag and complain, he just kept doing what he was supposed to do.
  8.  Public Enemy- they completely changed the culture with their hip hop music. They wanted to represent themselves, and what they stood for in a positive way, and that is exactly what they did.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

TU Tuesday- Culture


The article I read was about blackouts in the Gaza Strip. " ...fuel shortages have forced them to shut down the Gaza Strip's lone power plant, causing blackouts in the already impoverished territory." The nation has no way to get oil, and now have to live in poor conditions. "Gaza's energy authority has until recently relied on fuel smuggled from Egypt to circumvent an Israeli blockade. But shortages in Egypt have halted the smuggling."
This article connects to the poem, " Landscape of Tragedy, Language of Sad Rhymes". " all victimized, all suffered hard times". These both describe the hard living conditions that people have in Palestine. The live on poor housing conditions, and are uncertain what their lives will be the next day.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Valentine's Day

Prompt 5: Should schools allow children to celebrate Valentine's Day in the classroom?

I think schools should allow kids to celebrate Valentine's Day in the classroom. It is a time for kids to feel special, and feel more loved than a normal day. It is a day specifically designed to appreciate each other, and everyone should feel appreciated. There is nothing bad about celebrating Valentine's Day in the classroom, because everyone feels better about themselves, no one feels left out, and everyone knows that they are appreciated in class. That is why children should be allowed to celebrate Valentine's Day in the classroom.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The alarm clock cannot defend itself

The Dreamer 

The alarm clock cannot defend itself
but the dreamer is angry
the alarm clock has forced him
to come back to reality.

Another dream crushed,
but the dreamer will keep dreaming,
hoping the dream comes to life,
and he can escape his depressing reality.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Comic Connection

    I chose this comic because I believe it relates a lot to what is going on in America, and even what is going on in Albany. This situation is very similar to the "occupy" protests. People expect other people to help them, because they do not want to work hard to get what they need, and get what they want. This also happens a lot in school also. Kids who didn't do their homework, either because they were too lazy, or found something else to do, ask other kids to copy theirs. It is unfair to people that work hard and put their talents to good use, to have to help out others that are lazy and rely on others to help them out. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Dust off and get up.

I think this most applies to my life, and how I work at baseball. Whenever I have a bad game, I use the next week to work on whatever I did wrong, whether it was pitching, fielding or hitting. I don't let the bad game get in my head and wreck my confidence, I just work to get better. I think that sometimes, these bad games are good, because they let me see what my weaknesses are. My father helps out a lot with this, and is always encouraging. I use the " Dust off and get up." mentality for baseball, and use the bad games as a guide for getting better as a player.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

TU Tuesday

" the Super Bowl became the big stage for the biggest mouths"- metaphor: A thing regarded as representative or symbolic of something else.

" The Giants did a little trash dressing when they played the then-undefeated Patriots in the Super Bowl four years ago, arriving in Arizona in black suits to show they were serious about ending New England's bid for a perfect season... the 'Men In Black' look."- imagery: giving the reader a clear image in their mind.

" 'We just said we wanted to kill a dynasty' "- hyperbole: Exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.

" This Super Bowl rematch anything but trashy" is an article by Joe Kay about the upcoming Super Bowl on Sunday. He talks about the lack of trash talking leading up to the Super Bowl, because of the coaches' philosophies, " Zip it. Tight", meaning to keep your talking to a minimum. The figurative language really makes a difference in this piece, because it gives the reader a different perspective than just the facts. When he is describing the Giants' suits in 2007, he refers to it as the " Men in Black" look. This gives the reader a very clear picture of what the suits looked like, and gives us a greater understanding of the situation. When he refers to the Super Bowl as, " the big stage for the biggest mouths", it gives people, even those not familiar with sports, how broadcast these comments before the Super Bowl become. It lets the reader know everything that is going on, and that is something that can only be done through figurative language.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Original Poems III



Everyone has been waiting
to play this special game
waiting to play ball
the first hitter grabs a bat
and tries to help his team
both teams trying desperately to win.

The team without a win
has been patiently waiting
to play as a team.
A very important game
both teams trying to put thebat
to the ball

The pitcher grips the ball
leading his team to a win
keeping his pitches away from the bat
the hitter is waiting
to get the first hit of the game
and give the lead to his team

A struggle for each team
neither is hitting the ball
a very defensive game
the best pitcher will win
but the power hitter is waiting
for his opportunity at bat

He now gets his chance to bat
scaring the opposing team
his teammates are waiting
for him to smash the ball
and give them the win
in the hard fought game

The entire game
comes down to one at bat
both teams hungry for the win
the victory can only go to one team
the pitcher delivers the ball
as the hitter is patiently waiting

The win goes to the better team
as the game is decided by one hitter's bat
launching the ball with his fans and teammates waiting.



A time of changing ideas
and many angry people
the time of the the French Revolution
Riots in the streets
and attacks against the government
in areas all around France
a time that changed the world
and the Reign of Terror
led by Robespierre
influenced the entire nation.

Acrostic Poem


Changing difficulty getting
Harder as you go along
And testing your patience
Large amounts of difficulty
Linger as you continue
Even when you think you're perfect
Nothing worth doing is easy
Getting through a challenge makes you better
Ending up where you need to.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Original Poems II


Rainy Day

Raindrops falling
the sky covered with clouds
wet grass
puddles in the street

the sky covered with cloudshouses dripping
puddles in the street
water flowing like a river

houses dripping
the wet ground
water flowing like a river
the muddy field

Raindrops falling
the wet ground
the muddy field
wet grass

Stream of Consciousness Poem


My eyes focus on the paper
the paper full of questions
questions without answers
answers I have to find
finding time to study
studying will help me succeed
succeed is what I want to do.

Magical Powers

The power to fly

When I was young,
I always wanted to fly
the sky so free
it was a magical place
At any time I could fly,
and feel that freedom.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Original Poems I

Ladder Poem


stressed students
a big test
hits every person's desk.
A long list of questions
seeing what you know
what you studied
if you

William Carlos Williams Variation Poem


Ball in the pitcher's hand
shuffling around to find the right grip
his arm loads back.

Out of the hand
moving closer and closer
your eyes trying to find it.

Laces spinning
faster and faster
moving towards you.

Moving straight,
then it spins out of sight
right into the catcher's glove.


Night Storm

Darkness in the sky
until the lightning breaks through
as a displeasing sight to the eye

The sky where birds once flew is
filled only with silence
until the lightning breaks through

The rain needs no guidance
it simply falls on the streets
filled only with silence

scared children hide under sheets
as the rain continues to fall
it simply falls on the streets

the children, frightened start to bawl
as the lightning is still crashing
as the rain continues to fall

Like the ground and the sky are clashing
darkness in the sky
as the lightning is still crashing
as a displeasing sight to the eye.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Vocabulary On My Mind

The captious student disliked the raconteur, because they seemed to prattle on about petty issues, and their speech lacked brevity, and their speech was nothing more than a din. The purpose of the raconteur's story was obscure , and seemed cryptic to many of the students listening. The raconteur was not very skilled in recounting the event, which made it easy for the students to debunk the story to find its true meaning.The event being described remained an enigma to the listeners after the speech was over. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What I Need To Know about WRITING AND WRITERS to Become a Better Writer

What really stood out to me from the presentations from the four writers, were how they said how descriptive you have to be in your writing. Marni Gillard said that it was very important to put the reader, or listener, because they will have a better understanding if they really know the character. M.E. Kemp said that it is important to be descriptive so it sends the reader back to that time. Describing might be the most important skill in writing.

I think for the documentary that our topic should be describing, and recreating an event. This is an important topic to me, because most of what I read is about sports, whether they are describing an actual sporting event, or a fictional one. I would like to know how to write this genre more effectively, and the recreation of the event is the most important part of this kind of writing.

1/17 speaker = 4 stars

Friday, January 13, 2012

Round Four= Marni Gillard

When I read the High Dive story, I liked the constant use of dialogue, because it shows how vivid the memory is to her. " He honored the scary feeling of facing a new dive. 'Sure, Marn, I'll watch.' He pointed to the long line at the high board. 'Call me when you get up there.' He gave me his thumb-up sign for luck. 'Go for it, Babe!' ". It shows more of the personality of the characters than if she just told us what they did. I also like how she puts her personal thoughts in italics, so that we can differentiate between the thoughts and the narrative.. " To the left I spotted West First Street. Hey, that’s our house! Where's Mom? I don't see her out in the yard, puttin' her feet up." These thoughts in the italics show how differently she thinks now from when she was a child.

In the journey piece I really liked her observations on how an audience affects how you tell the story. " I soon realized that my listeners’ laughter, even their silence, affected the way I told... I learned that the art of storytelling means letting the audience co-create with you." It shows the reader how this piece evolved because of the audiences. I really enjoyed reading this piece, but one thing I would take out of it is the last two paragraphs in the section A change brings resolution. " I still rely on audiences to listen the deep truth of this story out of me. Some days "High Dive” is still a light-hearted "scar" tale with an exciting crash-landing and surprising end.  Parents and teachers often hear it as a cautionary tale. It helps them remember their own hidden fears and notice the quiet determination of the children in their lives. I hope it helps us all admire and support the young learners in our lives.I’ve come to see “High Dive” as a heroine’s journey, the child finding her courage, accepting her wound, and looking to the future. This story still helps me wrestle with fears as well as dance with the past’s sorrows and joys. It teaches me to dive deeply into whatever memories call me. Even in this writing I’ve learned things about “High Dive.” It’s still one of my greatest teachers." This seems to only reiterate the message about the piece that she has been saying throughout the journey piece. I think everything else in the piece brings up a new point about how she feels in the piece, and the rest of it should be left alone.

1/12 Speaker= 4 stars